Sunday, March 8, 2009

Liquid Time


For almost a century
storm surges rose
and they fell
against the levees.
The river was relentless
and time was smooth.
Time did not care.

It did not matter to time
that most forgot
old man river was even there.
They were lulled by the calm;
sipping sweet tea,
indulging in porch talk,
the sweet rewards of summers end.
But time did not care.

It did not matter to time
about the children playing in the dust,
their little brown faces
smeared with black streaks of sweat mud.
Time did not care about
the hard working folks
just wanting to get home
to sit.
To rest their weary bones
which had been stirring
since sun up.
The one’s who just
wanted to retreat
to that quiet place
and think about nothing.
Then the levees burst
and all hell broke loose.
But time did not care.

It did not matter to time
that a new school year was looming
and parents had not finished
School Shopping!
The brand new clothes
bought for anticipating children
were now being worn on the river’s bottom.
Yes, the river was a bully;
a car jacking, home invading, strong arming, bully!
That bastard bully,
shot to kill
and tried not to let anything die.
In an instant
their world had changed.
But it did not matter to time.

Time did not care
that people cleaved to roof tops
as bodies floated by.
and babies were dehydrating
in the same town
where they damn near drowned
earlier that week.
Or that there were thousands
packed in a sporting arena
wearing three day old filth and must
hanging on to the very edge
of their sanity.
It did not matter to time.

Time does not care
But be careful,
Perceptions can soften
Distancing you from reality
And then it will not matter
To you either.

Norman E.Harris, Jr.

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